Contact Us Marbella Eiendom
If you would like more information about any particular property or properties, please let us know. We'll get in touch with you as soon as possible. We are always here to assist you.

Please note, fields with * must be filled up.

Your Name: *
Your E-mail: *
Phone Number:
Mobile Phone:
Street Address:
Street Address: (Continued)
Postal Code:
Your Age:
Property Reference Numbers:
Your Queries here, please:
Give us your preferences & desired facilities - View, elevator, health centre, pool, garage, terrace size, floor level, child friendliness, sports facilities etc.
Property Type:
Area Preference:
Price Range in Thousand EUR:
Number of Bedrooms:
When would you like the property?
When can you come on an inspection trip?
How may we contact you?
How well do you know the Marbella area?
How long have you searched for a property?
Any other Comments?


Marbella Eiendom AS 
Phone: +47 97121313